JEs - music creator & producer

                                                                                                  most recent production: INNATREK






jazz, hiphop & funkgrooves

meet instrumental analog

electronic music

with different atmospheres

and impressive variety of tunes.


6 months after the release of

"mind the troublemakers" 

innatrek released a new single:

"residual drops".

this single will also be on

the next album: 




which is out now, not

only streaming on all

platforms but also on CD.






REVIEW in magaScene Hannover/Germany

INNATREK develops increasingly towards electronic jazz. so you have to be curious!

...       NEW CD - Electric Jazz - is out!          ...

" ... die Songs grooven ... wie verrückt, und auch die Samples und  Gesangs- fragmente passen sich hier perfekt ein. So entstehen elf ganz hervorragende funky, jazzige Songs, die einen schnell mit ihrem angenehmen Flow mitnehmen. Wie beim letzten Album ... 2024 ... alles auf hohem Niveau, oft gut tanzbar und mit einer knackigen Produktion versehen, die Spaß macht."           magascene 2/2025                            

Georg Schröder - Redakteur Magascene  (von 2010-2018 A&R, iinternational Product- und Labelmanager bei der hannoverschen Plattenfirma SPV).

The album is inspired among other things from the music of the 70s. For example Steppenwolf´s "The Pusher" is based on a characteristic guitar riff. I quote this riff in my new composition PusherMan, but speeding it up giving my piece a more danceable feeling. I had much fun playing this nice guitar riff.


Another piece of the past which inspired me was "Inbetweenies" from Ian Dury & The Blockheads

(1979). The whole LP is a treasure of music history.

It is a crazy mix of punk, jazz and some reggae

feeling. From the original, I only sampled some

vocals to create the entirely new CrasyLiving.

StartUp is based on my own bass riff and marked the beginning of more jazzy influences by INNATREK. 

Out Of Africa discusses the theory "Out Of Africa"

which makes the human evolution more understandable.

Rebirth is a pure electronic music piece. It was created 

after having a bad time in February and March 2024. 

It provided a liberation.

HolyBill is also an electronic piece based on Michael Jackson´s "Billy Jean". I rediscovered it watching

a concert on youtube: "Night Of The Proms" with Jacob

Collier and Cory Henry. They played it with a full classic orchestra. It was amazing! 






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